Might wanna check out Wordburglar’s raps about GI Joe and Snake Eyes… Rap Viper is sweet. Think there’s a whole album about GI Joe n Cobra…

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Down the rabbit hole I go! Thanks dude!

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A nostalgic smile was glued to my face as I read. You're right of course, most of these alleged cartoon gems are anything but that. Still, the fond memories endure.

Showing my age...

I remember a brief period of time when I ran home from school to watch the "scary" INCREDIBLE show Dark Shadows. There was nothing like it.

Who needed Hitchcock or Fellini when you had Barnabas Collins.

I made the truly disastrous decision to attempt to watch it again many years later. I think I'm still scarred from having my childhood illusion (delusion?) smashed.

Still, those great memories remain (and I maintain the lowly rated and quickly canceled 90s reboot was a flawed pleasure).


Thinking back to my Johnny Quest days.

The theme music and the excitement of watching it with MY sugar bombs.

Oh yeah!

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I tried introducing my kids to the old Dungeons and Dragons cartoon. It was so, SO bad.

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A tragedy. I was looking at the cartoon lineups by station from then. Awful.

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