I am ecstatic that you loved, love and will continue to love trains. Yes, there is something special about it all. I will say, you are probably one of the few, very few, who have no issues with time, getting there, being there and everything in between. Actually, that is the way a train, especially a cross country passenger train should be ridden. Appreciate it all. Amtrak does have a bad rap to a point, but being a political toy, it probably should. I’ve done a few short trips and loved it. It has been said the best you could do is The Canadian Rockies across Canada on viaRail. From what I’ve been told, that should be on every rail fans bucket list.

Seeing it from the other side, it’s not as laid back as you make it seem. There are those obsessed with schedules, being on time, maximizing passenger load on as little equipment as possible. The industry isn’t what it once was. To many know it alls who don’t know or more importantly understand anything calling shots, making decisions based on bottom lines, agendas or egos instead of safety, passenger comfort or convenience.

I loved reading this. It took me back in time when I started in the industry when it was more how you described. I wish it would go back in time a little. Automation and computerization has hurt and become too prominent. It’s taken the people and personalization out of the equation.

Keep riding’ and keep enjoying’. I’m so glad there are still some out there like you.

Long Train Running - Doobie Brothers

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I appreciate you.

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As someone in aviation, I feel the same way. Schedules matter, but there’s a tipping point where over optimizing and wringing efficiencies out of the operation becomes regressive.

And we’re lousy with know it alls too…

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Several years ago I traveled by train to and from Indianapolis, Indiana for a conference. I'd made the trip in the past by car and by plane and finally by train even though it was inconveniently routed via Chicago to get to Washington DC. I was waiting at the designated gate in Chicago to board my train when I had a flashback - I suddenly realized that this was the exact same spot at which I had changed trains when I was 12 taking the train back to St Louis from a summer with my cousins in Michigan. I was traveling alone though the train and station crews kept an eye out for me. I remembered sitting at the same gate along waiting to board my train heading for St Louis.

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Just wanted to throw in another train track. Northern Bound Train - Pete Droge. Awesome song, awesome singer!

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